Constructors Information

This project will be tendered via a two-stage process which involves:

1) Prequalification of suitable contractors

2) RFB / RFP

Constructors will be able to bid on up to three final designs providing flexibility to suit the constructors strength in skillset as well as what they see as the most value for money solution. The three designs will be different in nature but all will meet the Level of Service as outlined in the design brief.

Prequalification (Approximately May / June 2022)

Constructors will be required to be prequalified to participate later in the RFB. As part of the prequalification constructors will be required to respond and demonstrate compliance in the following categories:

  • Historical contract non-performance, pending litigation and litigation history

  • Environmental Safeguards performance declaration

  • Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and/or Sexual Harassment Performance Declaration

  • Financial Situation and Performance

  • Average Annual Construction Turnover

  • General Construction Experience

  • Specific Construction and Contract Management Experience

  • Construction Experience in Key activities

  • Specific Experience in Managing Environmental Safeguards aspects

  • Accreditation

  • Equipment

  • Contractors Representative and Key Personnel Schedule

Prequalified contractors will also be provided the opportunity to comment on the current design, which can then be reviewed by the design team for incorporation into future revisions (including RFB) if applicable.

Request for Bids (Approximately October 2022)

Request for Bids (RFB) for this project will be by Prequalified constructors (see Section above) to ensure that ensure appropriately qualified and suitably skilled constructors can bid and therefore reduce the risk of the project failing due to an ill-placed bid being accepted. Therefore all potential constructors must put in a submission as part of the prequalification process.

Further detail on the RFB process is provided below:

  • We intend submissions to be electronic only, to avoid issues of delivery time (which would also reduce the bidder’s preparation time)

  • Physical site visits may not be arranged for this project due to location and COVID. In the proposed schedule if a site visit were to occur, it would be in November 2022 (TBC) however given the current border restrictions it is expected that a virtual site visit would be required.

  • The virtual site visit will include various GIS, aerial imagery and details to allow the contractor to understand the nature of the project and location

  • It is proposed to have a series of Pre-bid meetings whereby questions to the design team can be answered (and confirmed post meeting in writing) as well as allowing the design team to provide further context to the tender documentation

  • The preferred constructor will have the opportunity to provide input into the Issued for Construction design, should it be required.