Project Objectives

This project is part of a larger Climate Resilient Coastal Protection Project, with the objective of improving early warning systems, reducing the risk to climate change effects and coastal hazards through investments in shoreline protection. Previous consultant studies have shown that communities such as Ebeye that are exposed to storm surges, king tides, typhoons, erosion and sea level rise would benefit from the project through reduced risk of damage to infrastructure in the coastal zone (Deltares, 2016).

The Ebeye Coastal Protection Engineering Design and Construction Supervision project is being delivered under Component 2 of PREP II. The objectives of this project are:

  1. To achieve coastal protection for the Ebeye ocean coastline along the 2.1km delivering maximum benefit for the available budget

  2. To ensure the project is delivered within the acceptable Environmental and Social safeguards set out as part of the project conditions